E-Commerce Mobile Application

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Shopify and WooCommerce Store Owners… See How To Make Your eCommerce Store Stand Out

Discover our plan to triple the lifetime value of your most loyal customers.

Our mobile management solution (MMS) will build trust with your store’s most active customers. We will increase your store’s visibility, convert more clicks to sales and elevate your customer retention numbers by turning your business’ website into an app in under two weeks. The best way to get your customers to come back tomorrow is by starting your conversation with them today.

Reach your customers with a native mobile app

Customers won’t bounce from your store once you are on their home screen. With an app, you are set to become a part of your customers’ regular shopping habits.

Having an app verified on the app store will also make your store easier to find, and show that you are a legitimate and serious business that has invested into its own success.

By being easier to find, and firmly establishing your brand with your customers, you can position yourself as a trusted brand for more and more customers down the line.

Use push notifications to build trust and strengthen your brand

Stay engaged with your customers without spending any extra money or time on advertising. Push notifications will allow you to communicate directly with your target audience without worrying about being lost in search engine algorithms or spending large amounts on largely unseen ads.

Our growth model for your business is based on getting customers to download your mobile app and sending them push notifications. Through this, you can start a conversation and build trust with your customers.

We guarantee [push notifications guaranteed per month] which case studies show will have a click-through rate of 8% and a conversion rate of 5%. Through this, you can expect to increase your business steadily by 5% monthly. [CASE STUDY]

Push notifications get about ten times as many clicks as any other form of customer outreach including SMS, email newsletter, SEO optimization, and paid advertising.

The high conversion rate of these clicks also ensures that your business is taking the steps needed to boost sales. Our offer gives you the choice to manage your business’ push notifications at no extra charge and set them up to be done either manually or automatically depending on your needs.

With push notifications, it will be even easier for your business to generate passive income, and keep customers in the loop, so they become repeat customers.

All the benefits of a mobile app with none of the risk

Over the next 2 years we’ll work with you for a small portion of the sales from our app and you’ll still see a 3x increase in LTV for each customer. The cost to build an app from the ground up is tens of thousands of dollars, but unlike our competitors, we won’t charge you any fees or upfront costs for building your app.

Plus, maintenance of an app like this will typically add up to around $30K over its lifetime, but we will maintain it for free, and only take a small commission on your added success. This way, we can assure that you keep a majority of the added revenue from your mobile app, while also not burdening your business with any extra financial risks.

Our business’s success depends on yours, so we aim to give you the highest level of service and the best product we can.

Over time, our [mobile management solution] will help you establish your store as a trusted brand with your customers, and grow unhindered by the whims of search engine algorithms.

Also, to save even more of your time, you can try out our free mobile app builder and get started without needing to meet with us.

Click HERE to check out our mobile app builder.

Tell us what you want, and we’ll make the app for you!

Our mobile app builder is easy to use, and free to try. With our original templates and customizable design options, you can tell us exactly how you want your app to be built, and personalize it as much as you want.

Plus, no prior experience with app or website design is necessary to get started.

It’s also incredibly easy to maintain.

With our unique mobile app builder, You can design your app to look and work however you want, and we’ll build it for you with information from your mobile site.

You will not have to constantly update your mobile app to keep up with any changes made to your mobile site, making it even easier for you to stay current and in touch with your customers.

Our team is hands-on and will always be available to help you

Despite not charging set fees, our service is still a subscription, and our knowledgeable support team will be available 24/7 to help you with any technical or service questions or concerns you may have. We also offer a bug-free warranty: We will turn around bugs in 7 days or our contract is voided.

Get started

Once your app is set up, and customers have downloaded it, it will be much easier for your business to generate passive income, and keep customers in the loop, so they become repeat customers.

Click here to create an account, and check out a demo of our mobile app builder!